From Invitation to Impact – What to Consider Before Joining a Nonprofit Board of Directors

Congratulations! You’ve just received an invitation to join the board of directors at a well-respected nonprofit. How exciting is that? Nonprofit organizations provide vital services to those in need, the community at large, the environment, animals and more, and strive to make our world a better place, so the offer is undoubtedly flattering. As it should be!

But before you jump headfirst into this opportunity, let’s hit the pause button for a moment. While serving on a nonprofit board can be incredibly fulfilling, it can also be a significant commitment. It’s about more than just attending meetings and having your name associated with a noble cause. You’ll be expected to contribute your time, expertise, and, in many cases, your financial support. So, it’s essential to do your homework; take the time to research the nonprofit thoroughly. Here are some questions to ponder:

Mission and Alignment:

What is the organization’s mission, and does it resonate with you? A clear and focused mission statement is essential for understanding the nonprofit’s purpose and impact. Consider how your values align with the organization’s mission and whether you feel a strong connection to its cause.

Purpose of Invitation:

Why have you been asked to join the board? Make sure your skills and expertise are what the organization needs and that your contributions will be valued beyond just filling a seat. It’s crucial to understand the specific expectations and responsibilities associated with the role.

Time and Commitment:

Will you be available to commit the time and energy required for this position? Serving on a nonprofit board often requires a significant time commitment, including attending regular meetings, participating in committee work, and representing the organization at events or fundraisers.

Support and Training:

What kind of support and training will be provided to help you fulfill your role effectively? Many nonprofits offer orientation sessions and ongoing training opportunities for new board members to familiarize themselves with the organization’s mission, goals, and operations. A robust orientation program is vital to ensure that you have the tools to be an active and full participant starting with your first board meeting.


What are the board’s responsibilities, and how do they coincide with your strengths and interests? Understanding the scope of the board’s duties, such as strategic planning, fundraising, governance, and oversight, will help you determine if the role is a good fit for you.

Financial Expectations:

Will you be expected to make financial contributions, and if so, can you afford it? Or does the nonprofit have a “give/get” policy?  Some nonprofit boards have fundraising or giving expectations for board members, so it’s essential to understand any financial commitments associated with the role.

Board Dynamics:

Is the board cohesive and focused on achieving the organization’s goals, or are there internal conflicts that could hinder progress? Building strong relationships with fellow board members and working collaboratively toward common objectives is essential for board effectiveness.

If everything checks out and you’re still excited about the opportunity, it’s time to dive deeper. Review key documents like the nonprofit’s bylaws, strategic plan, and financial statements to gain a better understanding of its governance and operations. You could also consider visiting the organization’s offices or program locations to get a feel for its culture and meet the people you’ll be working with.

Remember, serving on a nonprofit board is a voluntary commitment that requires dedication and passion. But if you’re willing to put in the effort, it can be a wonderful and rewarding experience to know you’re making a meaningful difference in the world. So, do your due diligence, and if it feels right, seize the opportunity!

Add “Donate Now” Button on Facebook in Time for #GivingTuesday

The giving season is right around the corner and now is the time to be sure that your nonprofit is ready spread your mission and acquire those much needed donations this holiday season!

Celebrating its fourth year on December 1, #GivingTuesday will bring people and organizations from around the world together for one common purpose – to celebrate generosity and to give. Founded in 2012 by New York’s 92nd Street Y, in collaboration with the United Nations Foundation, #GivingTuesday now engages more than 30,000 organizations globally through the power of social media and collaboration. According to, since the first #GivingTuesday, online donations on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving have seen an increase of more than 470%! Nonprofits cannot afford not to get in on this extraordinary opportunity.

One way to do this is to take advantage of Facebook’s recently launched “Donate Now” call-to-action button available (free of charge) for nonprofits to add to their Facebook pages and link ads that will connect donors directly with an organization’s donation page, making it faster and easier to donate than ever before. Many nonprofits already realize and take advantage of the value of a strong social following; by adding the “Donate Now” option, nonprofits are able to more readily turn online engagement into meaningful monetary support.

Here are our tips for making the most of these two giving opportunities:

  • Planning and preparation are key – assemble your fundraising team and begin planning now to inspire generosity
  • Add a #GivingTuesday message to your nonprofit’s website, Facebook page and other social media outlets to build momentum and reach all of your followers
  • Use the #GivingTuesday hashtag in your nonprofit’s Tweets – this will make your organization discoverable to anyone searching #GivingTuesday
  • Don’t consider #GivingTuesday as a one-day event – begin December 2 by connecting with your newly acquired and existing donors sharing the results of their generosity and how it will impact those you serve – in other words, create goodwill
  • Always engage and thank your valued donors – not just on #GivingTuesday – but the whole year through; long-term relationships can last a lifetime
  • While monetary donations are crucial for nonprofits, we can’t underscore the importance of volunteer efforts – encourage donors to get creative and give time for volunteering; those who can’t afford a monetary donation may be inspired to contribute in this way, making it a win-win for everyone involved
  • Reference your “Donate Now” button in your Facebook and other social media communications and dedicate specific content that make users aware of the button and perhaps how donations will be used
  • Pay attention to who is taking advantage of the “Donate Now” option; as with any campaign, information is key and analyzing and understanding who these givers are will go a long way in helping your nonprofit build sustaining donors

Free tools and resources for #GivingTuesday can be found at


Using #GivingTuesday to Spread Your Message

#GivingTuesday is a day when people and organizations from all over the globe come together to give back. On the first Tuesday following Thanksgiving, people around the world will unite for one common purpose: to celebrate generosity and to give. For nonprofit agencies that want to spread the word about their mission and secure sustainable donors, this is an opportunity not to be missed.

Founded in 2012 by New York’s 92nd Street Y in partnership with the United Nations Foundation, #GivingTuesday has become a global movement that has engaged over 10,000 organizations worldwide. Free to all nonprofit agencies, #GivingTuesday will provide you with all of the resources you need to take advantage of this extraordinary day.

Here are some examples of how your nonprofit can benefit from participating in #GivingTuesday:

  • Launch a new fundraiser or giving platform with national/international press to expand and generate greater funds
  • Celebrate efforts and announce totals on #GivingTuesday
  • Send online and direct marketing communications to donor community to inspire early giving
  • Activate your social media constituency – or start one! – for a social media campaign
  • Get a matching grant or offer something new (a new video or photos) for donors
  • Create a volunteer day for giving back in your community

The possibilities truly are endless. For additional information, visit

How do you plan to participate in #GivingTuesday? Please share your ideas here.