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Accreditation Compliance Issues and Post-Survey Corrective Action

There are several circumstances that can adversely impact an accreditation or licensing status decision. If your organization receives post-survey findings, you will have a set amount of time (generally 45 or 60 days) to submit evidence showing that you’re now in full compliance with those standards.

Accreditation Guru Can Help!

Whether your corrective action plan is a Pre-Commission Report (PCR) – COA Accreditation, a Service of Social Current, Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) – CARF, or Evidence of Standards Compliance (ESC) – The Joint Commission (JCAHO), our Post Survey Support helps you address accreditation compliance issues quickly and efficiently. We have provided technical assistance to hundreds of organizations and know how best to format your response and implement change in order to fulfill your accrediting body’s requirements.

Our team has professional experience working with the following accreditation organizations, in addition to numerous other international, national, and state regulatory and licensing bodies:

CARF International
COA Accreditation – a Service of Social Current
The Joint Commission
Accreditation Canada
CQL – Council on Quality and Leadership
EAGLE – Educational Assessment Guidelines Leading toward Excellence

If your organization needs assistance – click here to schedule an appointment to discuss or call us directly at: 212.209.0240

For more information, please contact us at or 212.209.0240