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Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA)

Information below for whether you are starting to familiarize yourself with the Family First Prevention Services Act or are looking for the latest news and information.

This page is updated regularly, so be sure to check back often. Any questions about the issues and implications regarding FFPSA compliance and implementation, call or write us.

The Basics

Start here for a better understanding of FFPSA.

  • FFPSA – Summary // Full Review
  • QRTP Requirements for FFPSA – Quality Residential Treatment Programs (QRTPs) are a specific category of non-foster family home settings eligible for Title IV-E reimbursement. Requirements for qualifying and maintenance claiming.  Summary
    Clearinghouse Programs – Find evidence-based programs and resources that will meet your strategic planning needs. Overview of Approved Services
  • Family First Transition Act – Flexible funding for states and tribes to help implement Family First, as well as short-term funding guarantees for states with expiring Title IV-E waivers. Overview

Accreditation for QRTPs

Per the FFPSA – in order to receive federal reimbursement after the first two weeks that a child has been in care, the program must be designated a Qualified Residential Treatment Program (QRTP).  In order to be considered a QRTP, the program must be licensed and accredited by an HHS approved accreditor by October 1, 2019, unless a state requests a delay for up to two years.

More on that here:

  • Comparison of Federal Requirements for QRTP and PRTF – Link
  • The Advantages of Accreditation – Link
  • Are you Ready for Accreditation? – Link
  • How a Consultant Can Help – Link
  • Accreditation and the FFPSA Mandate – Link
  • State Status – A list of states that have submitted their plan and ones that have been approved – Link

Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA)

For the latest updates on FFPSA:

  • July 2024:

The Prevention Services Clearinghouse is pleased to announce the Handbook of Standards and Procedures, Version 2.0 is now available online. Download a copy from our Handbook of Standards and Procedures 2.0 page!

Handbook of Standards and Procedures, Version 2.0 aims to:

  • Be responsive to comments shared by the public and suggestions received from expert consultations,
  • Enhance the transparency of the Prevention Services Clearinghouse’s standards and procedures,
  • Support efforts to meet the needs of underserved communities and families, and
  • Update the standards to align with current best practices for systematic evidence reviews while continuing to maintain alignment with the requirements of the Family First Prevention Services Act of 2018, as codified in Title IV-E of the Social Security Act.
The Prevention Services Clearinghouse Handbook of Standards and Procedures, Version 2.0 describes the Clearinghouse’s (1) procedures for identifying programs and services and associated research studies for review or re-review; (2) standards for assessing the design, execution, and findings of research studies and for ratings programs and services; and (3) definitions of key terms.

Additionally, the Prevention Services Clearinghouse will release the Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse Webinar: Welcome to the Handbook of Standards and Procedures, Version 2.0 in mid-July. We will send a separate announcement about the webinar.

March 2024:

New Ratings Available for the Following Services

They have also added to our working list of the next programs and services planned for systematic review! You can visit their website for more information about the Prevention Services Clearinghouse’s standards and procedures and to see answers to frequently asked questions.


November 2023:

New Ratings Available for the Following Services

They have also added to our working list of the next programs and services planned for systematic review! You can visit their website for more information about the Prevention Services Clearinghouse’s standards and procedures and to see answers to frequently asked questions

July 2023:

New Ratings Available for the Following Services


May 2023:

New Prevention Services Clearinghouse Video

This video gives a complete overview of the programs and services that can be found on the Clearinghouse website, as well as where to find information resources, such as the Frequently Asked Questions, Prevention Services Clearinghouse Handbook of Standards and Procedures, and the Reporting Guide for Study Authors.

Click here to view the video.

April 2023:

New Ratings Available for the Following Services


January 2023:

Conceptualizing Community Pathways: Key Questions and Considerations

This document is primarily designed to support child welfare agencies and their partners during the exploration stage 1 of designing and implementing community pathways to prevention in the context of the Family First Prevention Services Act (Family First). 

Click here to read the document

November 2022:

The Public Call for Recommendations is Still Open!

The Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse requests recommendations for mental health, substance abuse, in-home parent skill-based, and kinship navigator programs and services to be considered for systematic review.

The deadline for submissions is November 22, 2022.

To learn more about the call, including submission requirements and instructions, please click here.

October 2022:

New Ratings and Updates to the Working List Available on the Prevention Services Clearinghouse Website

June 2022:

Title IV-E Clearing House New Ratings for 9 Programs/Services

Title IV-E Clearing House New Ratings for 12 Programs/Services

May 2022:

Prevention Services Clearinghouse’s 3 New Fact Sheets

  1. The Review Process: Navigating Timeline Challenges – Fact Sheet describing factors that influence the Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse review process timeline and steps that study authors and program or service developers can take to help ensure a timely review process.
  2. How Does the Prevention Services Clearinghouse Determine Which Studies are Reviewed? – Fact Sheet describing how the Clearinghouse Determines whether a study of a particular program or service is eligible for review and identifies common reasons that studies are not eligible for review.
  3. How Does the Prevention Services Clearinghouse Rate the Design and Execution of Studies? – Fact Sheet addressing frequently asked questions about how the Clearinghouse rates the design and execution of studies it reviews, describes common reasons why studies may receive low ratings on the design and execution standards, and lays out possible approaches to design and executive studies in alignment with the standards

March 2022:

New Website Address and Ratings

The Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse website address has changed to New ratings for 15 programs/services are now listed.

January 2022:

New Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse Ratings

Click below for new ratings available for:

October 2021:

As of October 1, 2021, The Family First Prevention Services Act is effective in all states.

Click here for a listing of all prevention programs/services reviewed by the Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse including a comprehensive description of the program/service, the rating given the program/service and the subdomain(s) impacts. 

On October 26, 2021, The Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) announced the approval of its Family First Title IV-E Prevention Plan by the US Department of Health and Human Services’ Children’s Bureau.  You can keep up to date on all Family First Title IV-E Prevention plans by checking the Children’s Bureau website: Status of Submitted Title IV-E Prevention Program Five-Year Plans 

September 2021

Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse Webinar

Click here for the recorded July 29 webinar on the Reporting Guide for Study Authors.  This recorded webinar provides guidance for submitting studies to the Title IV-E Clearinghouse for its review to determine eligibility and assign ratings.  This webinar helps study authors learn how to describe their studies and how the Clearinghouse uses study information to determine eligibility for review, assign design and execution ratings, and determine program or service ratings. It also highlights recommended practices for research reporting. 

August 2021:
New Ratings from the Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse are now available for the following programs and services.
July 2021:
Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is seeking comments on the Handbook of Standards and Procedures  for the Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse. Your comments will inform ongoing discussion about potential updates and clarifications to existing standards and procedures. The deadline for comments is August 16, 2021. To learn more, click here. Resource Updates – Title IV-E Approved Prevention Plans:

Arkansas Title IV-E Prevention Plan

Washington DC Title IV-E Prevention Plan

Iowa Title IV-E Prevention Plan

Kansas Title IV-E Prevention Plan

Kentucky Title IV-E Prevention Plan

Nebraska Title IV-E Prevention Plan

North Dakota Title IV-E Prevention Plan

Oregon Title IV-E Prevention Plan

Utah Title IV-E Prevention Plan

Washington State Title IV-E Prevention Plan

West Virginia Title IV-E Prevention Plan

Thirteen states, tribes and jurisdictions have received approval for their Title IV-E Prevention plans under Family First. You can keep up to date on submitted and approved plans by checking the Children’s Bureau website: Status of Submitted Title IV-E Prevention Program Five-Year Plans 

June 2021:

Family First Evidence-Based Practices Exploration and Cost Tool

Chapin Hall has released the Family First Evidence-Based Practices Exploration and Cost Tool, which is designed to help select approved evidence-based programs or practices when planning Family First prevention services (Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse). The tool provides overviews of each EBP along with a survey tool that can be used to match program fit and usability based on target populations, program goals, evidence rating, program intensity and duration, program cost, staffing and training requirements, and other factors.

New FFPSA Resource The Prevention Services Clearinghouse is now providing Reporting Guide for Study Authors to facilitate the clearinghouse’s review process and help study authors describe their studies completely and consistently.

May 2021:

If you have not yet begun the process, but are interested in learning more about becoming accredited – click here for our free organizational assessment which can help to determine your level of preparedness.  We will continue to update you and/or provide links to resources as they become available to us.

April 2021:

The IMPRINT April 22, 2021
How the $500 Million Family First Transition Fund Will Work Learn More
Half -billion in Grants to 15 State Child Welfare Agencies Learn More

  • As the FFPSA deadline approaches – the accrediting bodies are working to help agencies become accredited in a more expedient time frame.  We contacted the federally approved accrediting bodies to see what they are each doing specifically:

CARF’s standard policy permits an organization to select the programs to be included in its accreditation process so that a multi-service/program organization can apply for accreditation only of its residential and/or group home program and narrow the scope.  Click here for more information on program specific accreditation.

COA is permitting FFPSA mandated multi-service organizations to do a “phased in” accreditation.  Phased Accreditation

The Joint Commission’s business development team is available to discuss each case on an individual basis.  If you are interested specifically in accreditation through The Joint Commission – they encourage you to contact them to see if residential accreditation as an initial process is an option.

EAGLE  is working with each agency on a case by case basis to see how they can effectively move them along in the accreditation process.  More info here

The Teaching Family Association is actively working with agencies who have reached out specifically seeking accreditation to meet Family First requirements and has leveraged technology and creative communication strategies to move people forward through flexible, resourceful, and collaborative approaches. To learn more visit TFA.

December 2020:

  • The Children’s Bureau will now allow title IV-E agencies to adapt programs and services that have been approved as part of the title IV-E agency’s Title IV-E Prevention Services Program Plan to a virtual environment to allow for children and families to receive necessary services without interruption and within public health guidelines. More Info

September 2020:

  • The Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse requests recommendations for mental health, substance abuse, in-home parent skill-based, and kinship navigator programs and services to be considered for systematic review.  Deadline is October 5. More Info

August 2020:

  • To help agencies implement Family First, The Children’s Defense Fund, in a collaboration with a coalition of organizations developed the Implementing Family First Guide.  Specific information and questions answered.  Starting on page 107 – details regarding FFPSA/QRTPs and Accreditation.  Family First Guide
  • The Prevention Services Clearinghouse recently announced ratings on a number of programs and services. List
  • The Children’s Bureau hosted a 2-part webinar to share the lessons and experiences of two jurisdictions whose Title IV-E Prevention Plans received approval from CB. The intent was to provide child welfare leaders guidance on developing and implementing prevention plans while taking advantage of the provisions within the Family First. Part 1 & 2

July 2020:

  • COA Offers Phased Accreditation Option:  Help in the midst of COVID-19 for FFPSA mandated private organizations.  More here.

May 2020:

  • Kansas Family First Prevention Plan Approved:  Read plan here
  • Program Instruction Request Flexibility Information: Children’s Bureau released new Program Instruction (PI) to provide instruction and procedures to title IV-E agencies on how to request flexibility to specific requirements. Instruction
  •  Title IV-E Administrative Claims for Foster Care Candidates:  Under the FFPSA, states can claim Title IV-E administrative costs for children receiving in-home services who meet specific criteria.  Outline

April 2020:

  • The Children’s Bureau released guidance regarding several areas of existing flexibility under title IV-E including enhanced foster care maintenance payment (FCMP) rates, modifying foster family home licensing standards and hazard pay for child welfare agency caseworkers.  Letter from Jerry Milner
  • Deadline and separate application for states to apply for FFTA funding removed in light of pandemic.  Some states to distribute funding as aid in accrediting organizations.  Letter from Jerry Milner
  • Estimated State Allocations Under the Family First Transition Act (FFTA) – Update
  • Federal Budget Plans for 2021 To Include Broader Access to Funds and Resources for FFPSA – Article

Accrediting Bodies

The benefits derived from Accreditation include organizational improvements throughout your agency.  That’s why many leadership teams approach accreditation as an investment in the organization.

To get an accurate understanding of costs associated with accreditation from each of the accrediting bodies – you should contact them directly.

How We Can Help

Our team of accreditation experts is ready to assist your organization in achieving accreditation. All consultants have at least 20 years of experience with national accreditation agencies in the child welfare and behavioral health care fields. We customize our solutions to fit your needs, services and timelines.

We offer several packages to fit the needs of a variety of organizations. These sessions range from a one-hour introductory webinar to 90-minute sessions at conferences to day-long or multi-day intensive, interactive in-person training that serves as an accreditation boot camp for service providers.

We are proud of our 100% success rate helping clients achieve accreditation.

Contact Accreditation Guru today to get started.