11/16/23 Accreditation 101 For those who may be new to the accreditation game, in this video Jennifer goes over the basics of accreditation, including “how” and the “why” of accreditation for your organization. You Might Also Like EHR Systems and Accreditation Is there any way to make accreditation fun? What does accreditation mean for human service organizations? Congratulations Jennifer! How can an organization’s accredited status be used as a marketing tool?
11/16/23 Accreditation 101 For those who may be new to the accreditation game, in this video Jennifer goes over the basics of accreditation, including “how” and the “why” of accreditation for your organization. You Might Also Like EHR Systems and Accreditation Is there any way to make accreditation fun? What does accreditation mean for human service organizations? Congratulations Jennifer! How can an organization’s accredited status be used as a marketing tool?