National Conference on Volunteering and Service #NCVS

This year marked my fourth attendance at the National Conference on Volunteering and Service (NCVS), hosted by Points of Light. Held in Washington, DC NCVS once again brought together nearly 5,000 volunteer managers and service activists. For anyone interested in volunteering and promoting social good, I highly recommend NCVS as an educational (and fun!) conference.

NCVS always ties in the political side of volunteering and service. This year we heard from conservative political strategist Karl Rove and liberal strategist Donna Brazile, Senior Advisor to the President Valerie Jarrett and various members of the US Congress. My personal favorite (besides Ms. Brazile, who is hilarious!) was New Jersey Governor Chris Christie discussing the critical importance of volunteers who came from all corners to help New Jersey recover from Hurricane Sandy. As Gov. Christie said, “Service does not know partisanship.”

Education activist and Grammy Award-winner John Legend was on hand to speak about civic duty and to sing for those sitting around the tables at Target’s Sunday Supper. What a great performance!

One America is an exciting, yearlong campaign led by Points of Light (with founding support from Chase). The campaign will bring together rivals in politics, entertainment and sports in order to inspire millions of Americans to unite in service to their communities. The theory is to illustrate that rivals can successfully put aside their differences and together make a positive difference. Think Leno vs. Letterman or Yankees vs. Red Sox or Coke vs. Pepsi. Check out the video to learn more and vote for the rivals you would like to see become partners for change.

Find a full conference wrap-up here.

I’m looking forward to seeing my many NCVS friends and to making new friends next year when the conference is held in Atlanta, Georgia. Here’s to #NCVS2014!


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