Accrediting Bodies Offer New Ways To Continue Accreditation Efforts

(Re)accreditation is often an important component of an organization’s strategic planning.  For congregate living facilities (residential or group home settings) seeking reimbursement under Title IV-E as a qualified residential treatment program (QRTP), achieving or maintaining accreditation by an approved accrediting body is a required component of strategic planning.    

Likewise, (re)accreditation may also be required to obtain/maintain a license/certification for an organization to operate/deliver services or for reimbursement through commercial or public health insurance.   

Fortunately, all three accrediting bodies have found efficient and meaningful ways to continue their work so organizations can continue in their accreditation efforts.  

CARF International:   

CARF’s Digitally Enhanced Site Surveys have been occurring since mid-May and CARF advises Accreditation Guru (AG) that this process has been met with very positive responses from its programs. 

Council on Accreditation (COA):  

Effective July 1, COA is providing virtual options for site visits and will work with each organization to determine most appropriate option.  Having an onsite presence is part of some of the COA options.  

The Joint Commission:  

The virtual survey option offered since June by The Joint Commission for behavioral health care accreditation of Opioid Treatment Programs (OTPs) will be expanded to include a virtual survey option for organizations meeting Joint Commission eligibility requirements (including certain technology capabilities).  On-site survey is also an option for some organizations in geographic areas identified as low risk by Joint Commission leadership – details here. 

All three accrediting bodies are asking organizations to confirm with applicable federal/state/local regulators that virtual site visits/surveys are acceptable.  (AG has been advised by The Joint Commission that the US Administration of Children and Families has approved virtual surveying for Qualified Residential Treatment Programs (QRTPs) if accepted by any related state regulatory authority).   

Accreditation Guru assists organizations in creating a customized (re)accreditation timeline based on its strategic planning and provides support along the way to successfully meet each milestone.  A re(accreditation) calendar provides a visual tool to keep leadership and staff focused for an efficient process. 

If you have questions on (re)accreditation please contact us – 212.209.0240 or email


BEYOND BEHAVIORAL HEALTH: The Joint Commission Expands Its Profile in Child Welfare.


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