Team Member Highlight – Carol Smith

Carol started her accreditation career in 1980 when she implemented a substance abuse outpatient and prevention program for the State of Michigan Office of Substance Abuse Services. For more than a year,
Carol prepared the agency for its first national accreditation survey and began implementing policies and procedures during a time when the behavioral health field lacked clearly defined standards. After
achieving accreditation, she became a consultant and specialized in helping agencies navigate the CARF and The Joint Commission accreditation processes.

Carol has an extensive career in the field of accreditation, specifically with CARF. She has been a CARF surveyor for 28 years and has served on several ISAC’s (International Standards Advisory Committee) to help revise and develop new standards. She has provided training on accreditation topics both to an international audience and to new CARF surveyors and is a content editor of survey reports, and serves on the CARF accreditation appeal board.

Carol spends free time with her husband, her pug, and two cats in northern Michigan. She enjoys walking on the beach, traveling, gardening, reading and spending time at her winter home in southeastern Florida.

We are happy to have Carol on the Accreditation Guru team!


Team Member Highlight – Tracy Collander


The Advantages of Accreditation